Senin, 02 Desember 2013

Benefits of Eating Apples

Here I 'll tell some of the benefits of eating fruits and fruit - buahannya one is Apple , which1 . rich in vitaminssome vitamins contained in an apple like vitamin A , vitamin B1 , vitamin B2 , vitamin B3 , vitamin B5 , vitamin B6 , vitamin B9 and vitamin C.2 . substance FlafoidFlafoid substances proven to help lower the risk of lung cancer by 50 % .3 . boronBoron Content contained in apples helps women mempertahaankan estrogen hormone levels when menepouse , thus reducing the disturbance caused by a hormone imbalance such as depression , heart disease, osteoporosis , and also contains apples protect against the flu virus .4 . tanninsTannins very well to keep the freshness of the mouth , tooth decay , and gum disease .5 . phytochemicalsApples also contain phytochemicals, which are antioxidants to fight free radicals that come from pollution or the environment , these substances also serve reduce the number of bad cholesterol ( LDL ) that can cause blockage of blood vessels .6 . acid tartarAcid tartar can nourish the digestive tract , because these substances can kill the bacteria that exist in the channel penceraan .7 . fiberApples are rich in fiber so good for people who are dieting , it is due to the high fiber so as to prevent hunger comes more quickly .Few tips that I wrote about the benefits of eating apples . May be useful for you ^ _ ^

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